1. They know technology
That’s where you will find them. Generation Z are digital natives, meaning they are the first generation (and job seekers) to be born during the age of smartphones, self-services online tools and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. They are born multitaskers who know exactly how to use the internet to find the information they need – for example, to solve a problem they encounter in their day-to-day work.
New technologies drive this generation, so your hiring process needs to keep up too. Your applicant tracking system has to be both mobile-optimized and mobile-search optimized. Candidates are far more engaged when they interact with your system on a mobile device. Make it easy for them to find and engage with the information they want. The time where a traditional job posting, and 30-minute phone screen followed by weeks of interviews is simply over.
It will take time and effort to become familiar with new ways to find and hire employees, but this generation and their extensive knowledge of technology will, without a doubt, be of tremendous value for your company.
2. They are eager to develop and learn
Due to the uncertain times that Generation Z grew up in, they are much more focused on their career and opportunities for advancement over salary than the generation before. In fact, compared to millennials, who believe they will achieve a higher standard of living than their parents (71%), only 56% of Generation Z share that opinion.
By putting opportunities out in the open you will attract many Generation Z’ers who are eager to work and build on their skills. The competition to catch the attention of this generation (and the best potential applicants) will likely favor employers who can demonstrate that they value culture and career opportunities in their job descriptions, interview processes and on other online forums
3. They want to be part of the solution and make a difference
Generation Z was raised to be innovative and curious. They want to be part of the solution and make a difference. Having access to so much information so easily, they have strong opinions and want them to be heard. Which is why they expect to be an equal contributor.
Ask for their input and ideas, whether obtained through survey responses or conversations. They will be dedicated, they’ll try to find solutions (on the internet) themselves, and they will be incredibly persistent, which is often great news for an employer.
We know that it is only natural for an employer to want to test a new hire by including them in smaller projects in the beginning. It okay to do this, but you need to remember that this generation is motivated by opportunities for growth – every day. Don’t wait too long to include them in bigger projects which will give them a chance to show what they are worth.
Be an employer of choice
By engaging their curiosity, unique skills and tech-savvy minds, you can distinguish yourself as an employer of choice and create a real competitive advantage.
HUCAMA has developed a unique and very flexible system that will allow all our clients (big or small) to adjust the HR-process to identify the traits of Generation Z, that will tell you how to motivate each of them.
We specialize in data-driven profiling and analysis based on the Big Five personality traits and the HUCAMA Competency framework. With our extensive experience helping companies create strong platforms to develop more agile and change-ready organizations, HUCAMA can help prepare your organization to face the new normal for recruitment, performance management, retention and employee development.

Our focus is to create the optimal relationship between individual fulfillment of a good and engaged work life and fitting that with the global goal of the organization. We design both the technology and the processes that help organisations to manage competencies.