Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Copenhagen (modul 2, dag 3)

HUCAMA CCC Blegdamsvej 104C, 4. salKøbenhavn Ø,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Barcelona (module 1, day 1)

Barcelona Barcelona,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Barcelona (module 1, day 2)

Barcelona Barcelona,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Barcelona (module 2, day 3)

Barcelona Barcelona,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Kompetensworkshop, Stockholm

No18, HUCAMA Centralplan 15Stockholm,

Kompetensworkshopen är en metod för definition av beteenden anställda behöver uppvisa inom specifika yrkesroller Kompetensworkshopens syfte är att: 1. utveckla en kompetensbaserad profil för användning vid urval och utveckling 2. utveckla en förståelse för vad framgångsrik prestation innebär för aktuell yrkesroll 3. nå samstämmighet mellan yrkesrollens och organisationens målsättningar Målsättningen med en kompetensworkshop är att […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Stockholm (modul 1, dag 1)

No18, HUCAMA Centralplan 15Stockholm,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Stockholm (modul 1, dag 2)

No18, HUCAMA Centralplan 15Stockholm,

Make The Most of Employees’ Strengths. The purpose of the training Is to obtain knowledge of competency based testing Anchoring a competency model in the strategy Knowledge of psychometric testing Different uses of tests Criterion of quality of tests Competency management Train the ability to use and give feedback on the B5 personality profile. Train […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Copenhagen (modul 1, dag 1)

HUCAMA CCC Blegdamsvej 104C, 4. salKøbenhavn Ø,

Markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest  Bliv klædt på til at bruge markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest i rekruttering og ledelses- og medarbejderudviklings-sammenhæng på HUCAMA Danmarks 3 dages kursus i Big Five test certificering. Big Five testen måler de 5 basale personlighedstræk (Big Five), nemlig behov for stabilitet, udadvendthed, åbenhed, imødekommenhed og samvittighedsfuldhed, suppleret med 24 underliggende facetter […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Copenhagen (modul 1, dag 2)

HUCAMA CCC Blegdamsvej 104C, 4. salKøbenhavn Ø,

Markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest  Bliv klædt på til at bruge markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest i rekruttering og ledelses- og medarbejderudviklings-sammenhæng på HUCAMA Danmarks 3 dages kursus i Big Five test certificering. Big Five testen måler de 5 basale personlighedstræk (Big Five), nemlig behov for stabilitet, udadvendthed, åbenhed, imødekommenhed og samvittighedsfuldhed, suppleret med 24 underliggende facetter […]

Certification in Ability & Big Five Personality test, Copenhagen (modul 2, dag 3)

HUCAMA CCC Blegdamsvej 104C, 4. salKøbenhavn Ø,

Markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest  Bliv klædt på til at bruge markedets bedst underbyggede personlighedstest i rekruttering og ledelses- og medarbejderudviklings-sammenhæng på HUCAMA Danmarks 3 dages kursus i Big Five test certificering. Big Five testen måler de 5 basale personlighedstræk (Big Five), nemlig behov for stabilitet, udadvendthed, åbenhed, imødekommenhed og samvittighedsfuldhed, suppleret med 24 underliggende facetter […]

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