Competency Workshop

Competency based job profiles.

The competency workshop is a structured method to define what competencies employees need to show within specific job roles.

The purpose of a competency workshop is to:

  • develop a competency-based profile for use in selection and development
  • develop an understanding of “how good looks like” and what high performance means for the actual job role
  • align the goals and Key Performance Indicatos (KPI) of the job role to competencies The competency workshop identifeskey competencies that are critical for the job role in question. When performing a competency workshop we Build on HUCAMA competency research to identify the competencies that predict job related success.


Competency Framework – model

Management wants employees to deliver maximum performance. To that end, managers make agreements with employees on WHAT is expected of them in terms of concrete results. HOW they should achieve these results is generally more or less left to the discretion of the employee. This discretion refers in particular to the actions that are functional to achieve the agreed results. Such perforrnance elements are commonly called ‘competencies’.

Competency Cards – tool

The HUCAMA Competency cards can be used to select the desired competencies. The cards consists of:

  • Competency Factors – 
The broad factors within the competency framework that form the upper level of the hierarchy.
  • Competencies – The actual, detailed competency cards with within each of the competency factors.
  • 215 indicators – Indicatorsfor each and every of the competencies enabling clear definitions of essential performance elements. These indicators are usefulfor in-depth job analysis, competency modelling and developmental interventions.

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